In order to improve PH I have upgraded the software on this landing page and in the forums (another expense) to get ready for new content.
A few of the long time members of the PH forums including some long time Amateur Extra Class hams have agreed to write some articles for the new site. That should be fun and educational as a minimum.
In order to get this moving with the new software, I am learning WordPress and it is a STEEP learning curve!
So every once in a while things(links and such) on this page my stop functioning or look weird.
So please “stand by” while I work out the bugs.
Again, if there are any topic you want to see or learn more about, please let us know by commenting on this page or inside the forum. You will have to be a member to post but thats a simple process.
Like wise if you would like to write an article or product review suggest one to me and if agreed, it will get posted.
Just go to the forum home page and register.