I was asked to Post this here, by a Prep’ed Ham Member…. It ws originally for CB Radios and Posted on another site…. If you want to make it
for CB, change the 105″ to 108″ and everything else, stays the same…. Just say’en…..
This is a cheap and dirty 10 Meter Antenna that you can build in an Hour, out of stuff you have laying round.
50 ft of 50 Ohm Coax… any size.
20 foot piece of 1″ PVC Pipe with one End Cap
Little bit of PVC Glue
One PL-259 coax connector
Roll of electrical tape
Tube of Epoxy glue
Take your coax and measure 105″ from one end, and then carefully cut the outer covering and strip it off so that you have 108″ of braid showing.
Then carefully pull the braid down at the 105″ point and using a knife or pair of scissors, but the braid 1/2″ above the 105″ point and remove the braid tube from the insulated center wire.
Fold the .5″ section of braid left, back down over the outside insulation, and then wrap it with some small cooper wire, and solder the copper wire to hold the braid in place.
Now take the Braid Tube and slide it over the other end of the coax, until it is up to the soldered section you just made, and then solder the end of the Braid tube to that section.
Pull the Braid Tube down the coax, using the free end, until it is stretched tight. it will be approximately 108 In long, and use some Electrical Tape to secure it to the coax.
Push the Center Insulated Wire end of the coax, up inside the PVC Pipe until the end comes out the far end. Take the PVC Cap and fill it 1/2 way full of Epoxy Glue, and then stick the end of the Center Insulated Wire, in it and let it set up solid.
Coat the end of the PVC Pipe, with PVC Glue and push the Cap with the Center Insulated Wire embedded, on to the Pipe end and let that setup.
Take the electrical Tape and use it so seal up the other end of the PVC Pipe where the coax is hanging out.
Install the PL-259 coax connector on the far end of the coax.
Plug the Pl-259 into your 10 Meter Radio Antenna Connector, (SO-239) and mount the 20ft PVC Pipe Vertical, at the bottom, and start talking.
You have just built a Vertical 10 Meter Dipole Antenna, that needs NO Grounding, or other constructs, to work. The RF Ground is made, using the Braid you threaded back over the free coax end, and soldered to the center soldered Section.
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