Magnet wire is your friend.
I am running a 40-meter NVIS horizontal delta loop.
Mine is red enamel coated; a quick wipe with a paint pen, a black paint dipped paint brush or a long spritz with a can of black spray paint and it won't look like a laser hanging out over your yard. Invisible at six feet.
An acquaintance described his plan to take a roll of zip cord -- he got a sixty dollar spool a the hardware store -- zip it apart, then run it on top of his roof shingles to make a nice friendly NVIS loop. So far he's just talked about it; no idea how well it would or would not work.
Stringing anything under my eaves would be futile. I have aluminum gutters and soffitts. Mine would either couple or reflect down into the yard.
There are those hardy souls who use their gutters or down spouts for antennas. I've never tried it though with my AH-4 tuner it might work. The AH-4 will tune if using a Ford Bronco or a light bulb as the antenna. (Yes, it's been done, and no, not by me!)
Otherwise the previously mentioned idea of brown zip cord wire in the trees might be a viable alternative. Works very well, I understand!