I'll also address "having to dig for information about....." . Anything you hook to your expensive radio you should know every detail about. Not researching an antenna, new mic, feedline, or whatever puts you in the category of "Appliance Operator" more than a true amateur radio operator.
With my rant over, I'll say your mileage may vary, offer cannot be combined with other offers, and the opinions here may not be those of PreparedHam.com.
A+ on this ^^
And your post illustrates why I don't think much of the Extra class ticket anymore.
The hobby has been dumbed down to the point that one can "earn" Amateur Extra, the ham radio equivalent of a PhD degree, without ever having touched any equipment or making even one single on air contact. I know Extras, in fact probably most of them, who cannot build a simple dipole from memory.
I see Generals and Extras asking questions on QRZ.com that I could answer as a Novice 30 years ago. In the the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Congratulations on your 'push to talk' license. You must have sacrificed a whole weekend studying the material"
Tempstar is right, but guys like us are a dying breed. I'm not sure I'm doing these "weekend Extras" any favors by answering their embarrassingly rookie questions. I default to helping them anyway because I don't believe in being a dick to hams who got their ticket by following the rules just because I think the rules suck. It's not their fault.
I promise not to point out that they have a higher class license than me and they should be the ones handing out wisdom to us underlings.
Rant over. Sorry for derailing the topic.