Hometown > Northeast
New (first) license
Look hear for the "rules" on what you can get with eqch license level http://www.w5yi.org/page.php?id=283
Technician, Tech Plus and General Class operators may only apply for a "Group C or D" (1-by-3 or a 2-by-3) call sign format
As a Extra you can apply for a 2x1 or a 1x2 or any of the other formats.
Here is a site, http://www.vanityhq.com/ that although it will take you a while to understand how to navigate, it will give you all the details you need to know.
Look down the page in the left hand center column for Date Controler Call signs
These lists show the call signs that are expired or cancelled, and the date marking the beginning of the 2-year wait. These call signs are in the FCC's database, and will be available for application two years + 1 day after the dates shown
Suffix 1x2 2x1 2x2 1x3 2x3
District 1x2 2x1 2x2 1x3 2x3
Click on these catagories and you will see calls in GREEN are available now RED not available yet or Black Green available this month
More to learn, but stumble around these sites and ask questions.
You can apply for that vanity call here http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home for $15 "if you quallify". If you screw up the application, you "loose" your $15 fee that is until you apply to get it back.
--- Quote from: AD on November 25, 2012, 03:43:28 PM ---Earth
Can you download the repeaters to a programming software via export from these sites? Specifically to RT Systems software?
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No, not that I know of. Doesn't matter to me. And that K5EHX site doesn't work for me anyway.
--- Quote from: Earthbound on November 26, 2012, 11:06:43 AM ---No, not that I know of. Doesn't matter to me. And that K5EHX site doesn't work for me anyway.
--- End quote ---
I love K5EHX as i can locate repeaters in an area where i will be traveling and export them to a file that is automatically imported by my RT Systems software and it less than 45 seconds load 150 different repeaters in to my HT. I keep my home QTH on bank one ad any additional locations on Banks 2+. Then with a few button pushes and a twist of a knob, switch from the PHX area in Bank 1 to the DC area in Bank 2.
I can do the same for the FT-857D as well.
--- Quote from: ghrit on November 24, 2012, 09:59:46 PM ---No, didn't get the cable or software. Elmer has that stuff that I can use when the time comes. There are three repeaters I can reach easily that will do for starting out, and I can find others as needed. (I think, anyway.)
At this point, I'm not 100% sure what all comes in the box with the HT. I did buy a charging cable for the pickup, and will be getting something a bit more useful than the rubber duck. Will also get a mag mount for the pickup sooner than later.
--- End quote ---
Haven't seen Elmer in months and lost patience. After fighting with the programming manually (not an intuitive process with this ht) resetting back to factory three times, I broke down and bought the Kenwood cable. Well, my computer doesn't have a 9 pin port, so bought a radio shack adaptor. HT and 'puter still refused to talk to each other. Back and forth with email to Kenwood, nothing useful came of it EXCEPT the advice to buy the RT Systems cord, ht to USB. Ah, now we are getting somewhere. Life is good, or at least better. Now to master memory assignments.
For the time being, the mag mount and replacement for the rubber duck are on hold. I can hit the local repeaters with the stock rd, easily, with the windows rolled up and when I'm down in the valley. There's a repeater about 30 miles away that I can hit from the dining room table with good signal reports. When I finally get around to trying simplex on 1.25 meters, will rethink antenna enhancement. Likewise, when the all band rig comes along ---
Re: "mouthful of letters" There are at least half a dozen of newbies that hit the call assignment desk at about the same time I did, all within the local area. We drive the weekly club net control round the bend with only one (the last) letter to differentiate us. He's never sure which zombie hunter is next up.
Congrats ghrit
Did you get the RT Systems software too? If so the memory system is moat easily handled via the RT Software.
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