Pass the Test > Extra

WTF [E9F13(2008)]

(1/2) > >>

 What kind of impedance does a 1/4-wavelength transmission line present to a generator when the line is shorted at the far end? [E9F13(2008)]

A very high impedance  Correct!

Can someone versed in this theroy explain this to me please?  If it was open it should be high(infinite) shorted should it not have a low impedance?

Here is the 1/2 wl version

What kind of impedance does a 1/2-wavelength transmission line present to a generator when the line is shorted at the far end? [E9F14(2008)]
A very low impedance  Correct! 

shorted or open the impedance is high because all the voltage is reflected in 1/4 wave or shorter line,

maybe this will help,
as the wave travels at 1/4 wave away the voltage is at the highest point, when it gets back to 1/2 wave the voltage is at the lowest point, and it keeps going like that in the line

Thanks space

I was thinking DC voltage and not a wave function. I guess the wavelength word shold have give me a hint  ::)


--- Quote from: AD on March 29, 2012, 05:06:37 PM ---Thanks space

I was thinking DC voltage and not a wave function. I guess the wavelength word shold have give me a hint  ::)

--- End quote ---

Actually pay attention to that, I am pretty sure they ask that exact same question except swap wavelength out with voltage or something like that to try and trip you up.

I remembered that 1/4 wave was opposite day and then I asked why after I passed the test. :)


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