I used mostly HTO, and the audio CD's here is what I did. Took 4 days from the time I started to the time I passed.
Each day I sit in traffic for close to 2 hours. So I decided to buy the audio cd's as something to play in the background. I went through the entire set once. This was really mostly just so I could be efficient with my time and not completely "blow" 2 hours sitting in traffic.
I started doing the "study" part of HTO online as well. There were a few parts I just flew right through. Satellites for example I understand. Other parts like the more in depth circuit theory, or electrical components I didn't get as easily. So I went in and read the book just on those areas. I kept going through the "study" piece on HTO until I hit 70%. The adaptive learning feature is nice because it keeps giving you the questions you got wrong, so you learn them. At 70% I took 3 practice tests passed 2 and failed one. The questions I got wrong were now triggered in the adaptive learning as need to review, so when i went back to study mode I got the questions i got wrong on the practice tests earlier. I continued to "study" until 80% and then took 5 practice tests passed 4 failed 1 by 1 question. Back to study mode, to get the questions I missed again. At about 80% I went back in, and started taking simulated exams. At this point I was passing all of them pretty easy.
Yesterday morning, I flipped over to taking the practice tests with the most 75% common questions for the test. Took about 6 of those and aced all of them so I was feeling good, was getting 40-43 questions of the 50 right every time. When I went and took the test I got 48 right, would of been my highest score yet. I equate this to two things, when I am practicing I go kind of fast, so almost every test I answered 1 wrong because I jumped the gun, I knew the answer but was going to fast, on the real test I slowed waaaay down. The other reason is, I feel confident that HTO asked you questions that you may be boarderline with knowing. So if you aren't scoring prefect, don't sweat it, it's how the product is designed..
At the end of the day if you are passing the test on HTO you will ace it on gameday..