Hometown > Northeast

New (first) license

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I've been holding off making a first post in the NE region 'til I had something worth saying.  I guess I'm now a ham (maybe a bad actor, too.)

Call is KB3ZMF, effective 11/21, posted by the FCC today.

HT (Kenwood TH F6A) due for delivery this week, so I can learn on the local repeaters.


Whoo Hooo.  Congrats

Did you get the programming cable and software with it?

Check out http://k5ehx.net/repeaters/qrepeater.php

Put in your call sign and bring up all of the repeaters in your area (look below the first listing for the "Near by" 1, 10, 20, 50.  This will expaned the distance around your QTH in miles)or to an area where you are traveling to.

I will be posting a video about how to do this on the FT-60R and the RT Systems programming software.

Congrats, Ghrit... Welcome to Hamdom....


--- Quote from: AD on November 24, 2012, 08:58:25 PM ---Whoo Hooo.  Congrats

Did you get the programming cable and software with it?

Check out http://k5ehx.net/repeaters/qrepeater.php

Put in your call sign and bring up all of the repeaters in your area (look below the first listing for the "Near by" 1, 10, 20, 50.  This will expaned the distance around your QTH in miles)or to an area where you are traveling to.

I will be posting a video about how to do this on the FT-60R and the RT Systems programming software.

--- End quote ---

No, didn't get the cable or software.  Elmer has that stuff that I can use when the time comes.  There are three repeaters I can reach easily that will do for starting out, and I can find others as needed.  (I think, anyway.)

At this point, I'm not 100% sure what all comes in the box with the HT.  I did buy a charging cable for the pickup, and will be getting something a bit more useful than the rubber duck.  Will also get a mag mount for the pickup sooner than later.

Good Job, welcome to the fun


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