[1] 4 hour Single Side band sprint tomorrow 9/22/2018
[3] Just in time for Squirrels 5˘/rnd Federal® Bulk .22 LR HP Ammunition – Per 1,625
[4] Charlies Requiem: Novella by Walt Browning Free for the next few days on Amazon
[5] Cabelas ˘5/rnd for Winchester 22 LR HP 333 count
[6] Amatuer Radio Parity Act - send an automatic letter to Congress now
[7] Cabelas 6˘/rnd for 22LR ammo 1400 rnd bucket. 0630 PST (09:30 EST) Sat 6/4
[8] New UK prepper site for consolidating Prepping survival sites
[9] National Parks on The Air special event Petrified Forest 4/16/2105
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