To talk over that distance, you will both need to study for and pass the Technition and General Class license exams. This type of distance requires the use of HF(High Frequency) portion of the HAM bands which use the upper atmosphere to bounce signals off of to cover greater distances. Think of this like making a pool shoot by using the rails of the pool table to bounce the ball off.
Look at this thread to help you get started.!/msg34/#msg34
All questions and answers are published(legally) and each test is only 35 questions long amd you can miss 9 and still pass.
The test questions cover everything from FCC regs to on air procedures.
Childern as young as 8 yo are passing these tests.
Radios / antennas for this type of comms are not going to be a hand held "walkie talkie" type systems. These will be used in a car or at home. These set ups for new radios will cost around min $800-1000 and used for $400-$800 if you can find them.
Antennas can be as simple as a thin wire 33 feet long tossed into a tall tree or as complicated and a 60ft + tall tower and a large beam antenna on top that is highly directional. are free sites to study and pay sites like which many of us here have used.