Author Topic: SLANT E! as of 03/01/2012  (Read 10730 times)

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SLANT E! as of 03/01/2012
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:04:13 PM »
Ok guys and gals, I have been quiet for the last couple of weeks because my work had me out of town on a big job and then when I got back I started studying again for my Extra.

I bought the ARRL Extra study guide about a month ago and then I also did the QRZ repetitive test thing. Eventually I read about the HTO site in one of the threads here. I had checked it out much earlier but I was not impressed at the time BECAUSE I WAS TREATING IT LIKE THE QRZ test site and just kept taking the test.

You can not do that. You must go in to the study mode to get a grasp on the material.

I feel that if you sign up and do what they tell you you can pass the test. To date, I have not found a better resource than HamTestOnline as AD had suggested. I was amazed as to how much it was like having a teacher looking over my shoulder, answering the questions I was thinking of, right before my eyes.

I am one of the lucky ones as I have a lot of experience in radio so I did not need to spend many days studying on that site. So then tonight, as a challenge to myself, I decided to go for it even though HTO said they had taught me only 40% of the material and I had mastered only 65% of that.  I figured that because I bought and read much of the ARRL Extra study book for a couple of weeks as well as took the QRZ Extra test about 5 times to the point of eventually passing it, I might have a chance.  Without HTO I felt I was not absorbing the material and understanding some of the questions to the point of even attempting to give a correct answer. But that was until tonight, because...

I passed!

Get on the stick and get off the pot because I know you can do it if you want to.

I really wanted this so I could get it over with and just learn by doing from now on.

Thanks to AD and IDIAL1911 for their suggestions and their discussions with others for having prompted me to give HTO another look. After reading the reviews from others on, I knew that I had to bite the bullet and signup for a subscription no matter the cost. I can honestly tell you that without having done so I would not have my Extra this evening.

Keep an eye on the thread advising that there is a group discount and take advantage of it. It is well worth the cost, effort and education!!!

If you take the time to read the eHam reviews you will find that many of the satisfied customers (they all are) that have used the site went from ZERO to EXTRA in one session. Having used HTO now, I know why.
Books I highly recommend:

One Second After
Under the Dome
Earth Abides
The Road
The Stand


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Re: SLANT E! as of 03/01/2012
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2012, 11:17:46 PM »
Congrats sir.  I have started too. 

In the last 11 days had little time to study, but i have attempted it after ID got it. Spent 6 days in Fort Lauderdale standing in a tradeshow booth, flew home on last Sat evening, monday morning i was on a flight to DTW / London Ontario Canada for three days and go back at 10 PM last night.

 All of my flights have not had wifi so i could not log on to HTOL.   In the last 11 days i have spent 36 hours on a airplane (shortest flight was 3.5, longest was 5 hrs) or riding in a car driving at least 3 hrs at a time.

 While i was sitting in the DTW Luftansa FC lounge, i download the ARRL question and answer pool and studied that for the 4 hour flight home.

I need to get cracking.  I thought you would like HTOL.  For anyone who follows the "method" of study first, its a sure bet.   

Again, congrats.

My turn  ;D
The only dumb question is the one that did not get asked!!


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Re: SLANT E! as of 03/01/2012
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2012, 08:07:35 AM »


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Re: SLANT E! as of 03/01/2012
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2012, 09:20:31 AM »
Great Job.