I had one of those in my hands today and I was thinking if I could remember where my duplexer was and of course I have not seen it for 15 years. I am one of those that doesn't get rid of something unless someone needs it so I have it around somewhere,
I did buy the Satellite Handbook because it had bunches of homebrew SAT ants in it.
I think I spoke with you about the conversation I had with an AMSAT guy and he pretty much verified most of what I said earlier about reliability. The biggest issue is that each SAT has a different footprint and some sats you may find 3 times overhead before noon. He gave me his call and a link to some vids.
I am hoping that the counterweight kit for my scope does not cost an arm and a leg because I am running out of Arms and Legs.
It will be real cool if the scope can handle the Antenna setup.
A couple of years ago I was a beta tester for a Windows App that would track any SAT and as long as my initial setup was good I could see them in the spotting scope. I would imagine that RF is much more forgiving than optical so I could be off by a couple of degrees and probably get good tracking/reception.
Check out ho low in the horizon he is able to make contacts. He was telling me that it was because the ground was flat and he was slightly elevated on the side of the road.
XE2/WD9EWK on AO-51 from DM21jw - part 1 of 2XE2/WD9EWK on AO-51 from DM21jw - part 2 of 2Setting your HT or Mobile for Full Duplex and you will hear yourself if you are making it out if the other end of the SAT (Downlink) This is a SSB 2Meter contact I don't know the Mode for this sat but I will look it up for the next post.
This HAM,
WD9EWK, Patrick, is a Scottsdale AZ resident.
Listen for him to tune his rig until he hears himself. When he does hear himself those within the footprint of the SAT hear him as well. You will hear him contact WA4NVM for an extended QSO for Sat contacts.
WA4NVM is from TN. Not bad from PHX to TN.
WD9EWK working FO-29 on 22 January 2012 at 2043 UTCCool!
Hint, Hint...
Just think... If we had a club we could have some virtual meetings and we could invite some guests like
WD9EWK via a USTREAM live video and chat. Those with EchoLink one would be able to as questions live via almost any PC/smartphone or RF if they have a node or a local repeater with thier own or node so they can reach the Club Node.