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I received this in my Weekly ARRL.org email notice.
Frankly I think its a great idea to allow for lifetime licenses for amateur radio operators to have their FCC licenses granted for life.
What do you say? If you have an opinion, please use the links provided and let the FCC know. I will do so once this article is written.
The FCC is seeking comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM 11760) that asks the FCC to grant lifetime Amateur Radio licenses. Mark F. Krotz, N7MK, of Mesa, Arizona, filed his request with the FCC last November. He wants the FCC to revise § 97.25 of its rules to indicate that Amateur Radio licenses are granted for the holder’s lifetime, instead of for the current 10-year term. Krotz noted that the General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL) already is issued on a lifetime basis, and he maintained that not having to renew licenses would lighten the FCC’s workload.
“It would be mutually beneficial for the FCC and Amateur Radio operators to update Part 97 to grant operator licenses for lifetime,” Krotz said in his filing. “The FCC would benefit by reducing administrative costs.”
In 2014, the FCC granted lifetime credit for examination elements 3 and 4, but applicants seeking relicensing under that provision still must pass examination element 2.
Individuals may submit comments via the FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).
The current term is ten years, so there isn’t any point in making everyone renew just for the sake of renewing. I hope this deal goes through.
Thanks for passing along the info.